Lambda Phi
“The Fiery Nupes”
The Lambda Phi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi was chartered on November 11, 1983 on the campus of Valdosta State University.
It was not until 1977 when three men known as Kevin Walker, James Green, and Larry Brooks better known as 3 The Hard Way exposed the campus of Valdosta State University to Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. They represented Kappa Alpha Psi on the campus alone until 1979 when Rupert Wiley of the line Mission Impossible joined them.
All the members of Kappa Alpha Psi that pledged at Valdosta State and the brothers that lived in Valdosta Ga., had a vision of establishing an undergraduate chapter at Valdosta State College. The vision began to materialized in the Fall of 1981. A group of young college men with a desire to pledge Kappa Alpha Psi the only black Greek fraternity not chartered on Valdosta State campus, formed a interest group called the Krimson Renaissance. The name was created because (MIK) Men Interested In Kappa was disbanded.
The Krimson Renaissance worked with the brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi to start a line at VSC. All the men of Kappa in Valdosta decided to start a alumni chapter and that is when our dreams began to turn into reality. The Alumni chapter worked tirelessly and finally their efforts were rewarded with the start of a undergraduate line.
The Name of the Line was the “ Voyager 12” and it was established and initiated in the Fall of 1982. The “ Voyager 12” pledged thru the Iota Pi chapter At Ga. Southern, because VSU was still not chartered at that time . The charter line brothers that pledge on the “Voyager 12” line are Fermin Leonard, Adrian Dyett, Thomas Newsome, Leslie Robinson, Marcus Cambell, Darrell Jackson, Louis Jackson , Greg Powell, David Adams, Johnnie Fason, Imani Akbar, James Snell.
Province Polemarch Mel Solomon conducted the chartering ceremony in November of 1983. Fermin Leonard was the first Polemarch of Lambda Phi chapter. The current Polemarch for the 2023-24 School Year is Markus Norman.